Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Best Wishes for 2013!!!

Aries 2013
As you sow, so you reap. If you had not worked hard in the last year or if you have been unfair, now you are going to have to pay for it. 2013 begins with a fresh start for you but fresh start does not mean you are getting lucky, it means you have to first pay your dues. There is no time to relax, no taking easy...there is going to be a lot happening, a lot of aggression, fights even. You need to be careful because you could be making a lot of people unhappy with your callous attitude. By march you will take the offensive attitude, which again is not going to do be any good. If you keep looking back and start to point needles to everyone, you will put yourself in more trouble. It is better to move on, look ahead, let not old ideas create more problems for you.
Like I said if this attitude continues, it is not making you or the people around you happy. Please please be very careful, take care of your health also...not a good time. You can lose money, you can lose relations, job even your home. By May you will find yourself very frustrated, in a situation where you cant see a light, a way out, but I will say this has a positive to it,1st you will stop reacting because you feel tied down and that will stop further damage which you have been causing with the offensive attitude. 2nd if you just wait and try hard to look around there is a way out, there is help for you. You just have to change your way of thinking. You will understand this better by June and thank God, you will finally take a back seat and do some soul searching, this will be your 1st step to the fresh start.
Next half of the year begins here and so does your journey. After completing one whole circle doing everything good bad, now you have done it all seen it all. You are ready to make the changes in your life and try a different path, all the soul searching, changing your mind set in the previous months will be tried out now, you will try out the new road. Be patient keep your balance maintained. Aug everything you learnt in last 2 months is being tested now. There would be difficulties it is a big change, you will fell miffed, the tendency to snatch if you dont get what you want can be there again, but if you can overcome all that, now you can finally relax. You will see how family and friends come back to you, you will get that love you have been looking for, a warm surrounding and cozy environment.
Now changes will pick up a pace. Good news will come from everywhere, things will get sorted out.
By november you'll love it again. Your wishes will come true you will enjoy good health, good company, bright and shining surroundings. The last month December will bring more opportunities, exciting offers and travel to some adventurous place. You will have the excitement and energy of a child and hope you use it positively, now that you have a second chance.      

Taurus 2013
The year starts with running away from commitments, not taking responsibility or you may feel people around you have been doing that to you. February is beautiful time, you should spend some quality time on yourself, ladies go to the spa, men spend on your favorite electronics, but do not forget sharing is caring. With March you have to start some serious work...enough playing around, get ready to plan out for new ventures. You have the need to take control at work or home and there is a feeling to do something more, so start acting, make proper plans.
You will be getting into unnecessary arguments, competition is good but sometimes when taken too seriously can lead to fights with co workers, arguments with associates. Good thing is this won't last long. May is again a good time, gains in investments, you could inherit some property, family business will be profitable but there could also be division and separation around June. This I snot agood month for any sort of investments or risks, let everything go by as it is.
July could bring new prospects although it may not just yet culminate into real plan. You may have to be very thorough and it could become a tedious job, but it is important that you cover every angle. Those looking for love, you must know that love is around but maybe it has lost its luster, maybe you need to try something new, the everyday routine could bring in a distance. There is definitely stability but somewhere it has become mundane. Now you have to decide if you like the same old or you want the change, you have to make your choice. Those looking to get married, make your self available but do not be desperate. You will be surrounded with beautiful environment beautiful things around you but if it has become irksome make a choice. Good time for marriage around September.
Towards the end of the year you have to make yourself be heard. If you have your opinion now is the time to speak, there could be a little feeling of tiredness but you have the right to speak your mind too. if you want to do something independently you should start planning now. November month be a little careful, everything may not be as it seems, all the advice given to you may not be correct so whatever decision you make you must use your own judgment. By the end of the year, you will see the results of your efforts, profitable month, lot of travel opportunities.

Gemini 2013
Beginning of the year, you are filled with energy and working on newer options, planning and executing. There is a lot more to be done, a lot more to be achieved, you want to have the power and control so work hard on it. You will have new ideas floating around but do not look back and take a hostile approach. By March you will feel beautiful inside and out, very good time for creative people and those looking to start their careers now is the time.
April does not seem a very positive month, somewhere the energy you started with is now really low, you probable want a time out, a time to re-speculate. Be ready for changes. May is the time where you would want to take the back seat and get in touch with your spiritual self. You may want to change the way you have been looking at things, get a deeper sense of your surroundings, of the people around you. June is a good month for business, those in jobs may also feel a strong hold of their positions. Feeling comfortable and confident with your work and with yourself.
You should take care of your health at this time, take rest get your regular check ups. Do not be upset do not take tensions. August will find you in quite an irritable mood. Even minor things can trigger your anger. Feeling of being cheated and fighting to get what you think is your right will be strongly in the air. Good for you by next month you will learn to use your energy more positively. The more you work the better the returns. Use your best skills and creativity and work hard only the will you make profit, not a time for speculations.
Give some and you'll get more. October is a month when you should try and help out in any way you can, make donations, dedicate some time to a good cause. November is a very good time, make your wishes and be hopeful, even if there are delays, your wishes will come true eventually. By the end of the year you will be emotionally strong and maybe you don’t show the love but your loved ones know how caring you are and you will be surrounded by a loving environment.

Cancer 2013
You start the year by running away from commitments. You have to be careful about pilferage if you are in business, those in a job make sure colleagues are not running away from their responsibilities. Just keep your eyes and ears open. By next month you will be more relaxed and would like to give yourself extra attention, be a little selfish even. Enjoy while it lasts. March onwards you would get into the grind again, although you will not mind it and enjoy it also. Balancing work and home, incomes and expenditures. Sliding with the waves of life.
Planning to take on the world, start some new work, looking for ways to set control in your personal & professional life. There could be some control issues with partner. May sees sudden changes and bring good news so if you promotion was due you may get it now, if your money was stuck somewhere it may get released. In June you will receive appreciation and recognition for your efforts and work, you will be handling situations very well and come out a winner.
As you know there is no short cut to hard work, so you have to work and receive the returns. Your skills and craftsmanship will help you. Don’t think that just by doing the regular work you will get the results, you have to put your heart and soul in your goal. August you could feel some frustrations, you may feel that the hard work is not paying and you do not see a way out of the crappy situation you find yourself in but by next month you will get a new prospective. To see things from a different point of view change your direction of thinking, look within.
It is a beautiful month, business success, those looking for the dream job, they will get it in this month. A new stability coming in life, promotions at work, improvement at home, in relationships. In November although there could be trivial issues, baseless arguments, try not to get involved, try not to bother yourself. December will see success, great time if you plan to start own business, new job opportunities, this is the time when your wishes become the demands and will come true.

Leo 2013
You have big plans right from the start of the new year. Looking to start something new change your line of work or expansion. There could be some control issues. You are filled with great ideas and you will not shy away from taking actions to complete your plans, you could also be planning a trip somewhere. By march you would suddenly slow down, before taking action you would to test yourself your capabilities, become more patient and try to maintain balance.
Back into action again, very raw energy, ready to act 1st and then think, you may also make the trip you were planning in the previous months. Quite restless you will be at this time. Leo girls looking to get married may find their prince charming. As spring flower blooms you will be blooming too in a lovable family environment, enjoying the company of family around you, maybe even picnic out. June will bring some good news, newer opportunities and Leo boys may find themselves in the company of beautiful charismatic princess.
Please take care of your health at this time, now all that running around and trips could take a toll on you, give yourself a break from the hectic routine. By August health will improve you will be back in shape, at this time your detailed attention will be needed with what you do, business, job or home it will be slow mundane but know that even though boring sometimes minor details are important. September is a month when, things are not in your control for better or for worse, what has to happen will happen, what you can do is remain positive and be happy.
Very good time starts now, the last quarter sees a lot of celebrations, enjoying with friends and family, parties and fun. Pure affection and love will be all around you, blessings of a happy healthy family. In December you could be traveling abroad, job promotion, project completion and expansions indicated.

Virgo 2013
Expansion of business, venturing into new territory is already in your plan of action, so you plan to start the year with a bang which is good but remember you have only 2 hands so you need people to execute your plans and your job is to scrutinise and look over everything. Planning business trips is also possible. February you feel emotionally stable and strong but you may find it difficult to show your love always which could create a distance between you and loved ones. March could be a tiring month for you, take care of your health, there could be a feeling of guilt and frustration, you really need to learn to balance issues.
Great time at work, commendation and acknowledgment of your hard work, you will be rewarded in your field. You should enjoy this but seems like this would become an obsession with you by next month. So feeling tied down, and being very materialistic, that’s not good. This will spill out the points you had gained previously, so obsessing about work, family will be disturbed...just concentrating on home, employers will be unhappy.
Emotional loss indicated, feeling very low. The only thing that can be done is to try and salvage whatever is left, the past few months you were a bit selfish and now you have to suffer the consequences. The 1 good thing is all is not lost yet. August is a good month, success again back in your life, stability emotionally and mentally. Good time if you are planning to start new business. In September you will try to maintain a complete balance in your life, juggling between home and office friends and family and somewhere you will start enjoying it also.
Very happy time especially at home with your family and loved ones. Try to spend quality time with everyone and make sure no one is able to disturb your internal peace. Lots of ups and downs this year, now a very good month, health issues indicated. Yes, things will be changing and that could be disturbing as it disrupts your life pattern. Try to think positive be strong, remember after every night is a morning. By the end month you would want to just give up everything and move on searching for something more, maybe internal peace, a more steady environment. Be optimistic, be strong.

Libra 2013
Did you party too much? Starting the year...not being well? Take rest take it slow. Feb. is a good month for marriage. So those ready to tie the know now is your time to propose. Enjoy the romance. Some could also be joining in a new venture. Improvements on the financial front, but you have to be very detailed oriented, it could get tedious.
April is not the best of the month, you want to close yourself up to everyone, keep everything in your heart and very low in communication. You fell like you should keep a distance from everyone. By May you get excited again, fluctuating personality...feeling very comfortable in your environment, feeling creative and be involved in family and with friends. Good time for marriages again and undertaking projects. In June you are ready for expansion, floor plan is ready now time for action, travel indicated.
This is when you want to stop introspect, do not give up now, you have put in a lot of hard work and results will come. Be optimistic. August will show the results, good time financially, those planning to join family business get the chance now, even if you are not in business keeping family elders in the loop will benefit you with your plans. September is when you hope for the best and do your best, do not struggle, if you have done your best you will get the best its only a matter of time.
Plan a adventurous trip, something that you wouldn’t do otherwise. Good news coming your way better opportunities coming along soon. November makes you a little selfish, where you want to just spend on yourself, do something that makes you happy...nothing wrong in it, you have worked hard so you deserve it. End of the year you take a little traditional approach, you want to make sure you dont do anything unorthodox, so if you are in a live-in you are ready to give it the legal stamp. If you need advice regarding any matter, go to the expert, professional help is advisable.

Scorpio 2013
Lots of tension, anxiousness in the beginning of the year. You really need to take rest otherwise you can spoil your health know that all this is temporary phase and will get over soon. February engages you emotionally, lots of ups and downs and mood swings. Your intuition is strong, do not ignore it if you feel something is being kept from you, that is a possibility but very soon you'll know it. Keep your emotions in check do not do anything you might repent later. A new journey begins for you from March,go for it. You could be doing something totally unplanned, something very new for you, and it shall be good but once in a while you must check on the warning signs if any.
Spending quality time with your family, a feeling of bliss, surrounded by loved ones, a beautiful time for the family overall, but you must try to keep it that way,d o not let jealous people invade your family's comfort. In May you would see that the coziness of the lovely family is not there much, that’s because you were not careful as advised. There could be arguments or just the overall environment may not be very conducive at this time. Like cold and cough which is not serious but is troublesome. June is an exciting time, full of radiance, this is the time when you make it happen, you could get too involved with the smallest of things in life.
At this time you have to be patient and strong and handle everything calmly. You cannot get excited or get things done by force, be firm but polite. August is the time when you feel a bond an urge to be connected to or associated with a community or traditions. It is advised to take professional help wherever required. Feeling the lowest in September. This is the peak of your troubles, but know that it is quite to do with your mental state than actual problems. You are making the problems bigger than they are, I am not saying there is no problem but self pity does not make it better.
Trying to be very practical, so much so that even family does not hold much importance at this point. Being surrounded by the feeling of or even by a person who is very clever, professional life holds priority over personal, some one who can be called cold hearted. Scientists or lawyers especially ladies can really shine at this time. November is slow steady but improvement. Financially promising even though you may not see a change immediately, but wait and watch. Be serious about your work, give your best short and be positive. December is the best month, so many new things, new opportunities, falling in your lap. Your good time starts now.

Sagittarius 2013
Oh o how are you starting your year, so much negativity, the wrong kind of obsessions. Please do not be so tied up with the materialism make some space for free pure feeling, for love. The next two months are much better, a little immature stage but at least there is love there is excitement, some adventure, something to look forward to. You could start a new relationship at this time, although difficult to say how serious it is at this point.
Now you have closed up yourself tot he whole world, you have created a boundary around yourself so no one can peep in. Not communicating and being defensive is not going to help you. May sees again a lo of dissatisfaction, even the smallest thing can bother you, not a friendly environment is what is created around you. June you must be very very careful. No risky investments, I suggest no investments at all, losses indicated everywhere. So hold on to everything you have.
You are trying to recover, come out of the bad times but you are not able to see clear, you don’t know where to start where to go. It is a struggle for you. By August you become more organised and disciplined even stronger. Now see the extremes of August and September, you are strong stern determined in August and September you become emotional, over emotional, moody. A little balance is advisable. Do listen to your inner self.
Now you are ready to bring in the changes around you, you may chalk out a plan and start work on it. Looking for newer opportunities, taking the control and ready to move on now. November is when you suddenly start on something new, now again a little bit of extreme in both the months where you were concentrating more on planning then acting last month now you will just take the plunge and go along with what comes as it comes. This is a good time, success is there but you must not keep going blindly, be careful. Now when you have decided to move on then why keep looking back. In December you are very very defensive standing by to charge at anybody or anyone who comes near you and this is more because of your past experiences. Move on, look ahead don’t let the past hold you back.

Capricorn 2013
You know you are a fighter, you have overcome all obstacles but no you feel tired, you are thinking how long can you do this. You need to know you are at the last step,do not give up now, struggles have been there but this is the end of it now. February you are more confident, self assured, emotionally strong. Keep calm and diplomatic attitude when you have to make your decisions, you are a wise person and you will make the right decisions. March is a beautiful month especially in family related matters. Good time for marriage, a very fruitful and successful time. Make the best out of it.
You decide to just do it, no more thinking, no more planing, you are just going. Its good to see all that fresh energy but do look before you leap. May is you become a little insensitive too to others, taking the practical approach, we can say to the point of being shrewd but okay if that works for you then that’s what it is. June is bright and vibrant month for you, great time for students, a good time to show your talent and it may bring you recognition.
Communication is the key at this point, keep all channels open, yes a more practical approach is advisable. In August you are in control of things, good month make the right investments and results could be profitable. Do not confront situations directly, make your moves cleverly. You could be buying new car or even property. September is the month which can work very well for you, if you make the right moves, traveling abroad is possible, completing projects and starting on something new.
Success is yours, expect commendations and promotions. Make the most of this time, people will follow you so leader take charge now. From November your time changes, its time for a new beginning if you have setup your base you would now take action and also wait for the results to show, moving towards success. December is especially good for those in sales and marketing, this is your time where you make things happen your way. Destiny has given you the chance to make what you want of your life, so it is upto you now.

Aquarius 2013
I must say all three months are good beginning of the year you enjoy personal life and next month your professional life. You have family love and support so you must hold on to it. Yes, things cannot get better than this so while you enjoy this time you should also know that ups and downs are a part of life, although as such nothing serious. February creativity at its best, very good time for artists. You will be appreciated for your charming personality. March again good month, even if you do not see immediate results hope for the best and keep doing your tasks.
Okay so if you worked hard, you will reap the fruits now. But know that if things are no working out as you wanted to then somewhere you are responsible for it. May is a time to be very patient and maintain balance. Whatever you do, you must measure each side of it. June is not as good, losses could be there so do not make unnecessary, risky investments. Try to save and don't hesitate to ask for help if needed. Take care of your health also.
Okay get ready for action, starting a new business, entering an unknown territory, changing your line at work possible. The opportunities could come suddenly. Be calm and loving around August. Sometimes aggression is not the answer you must be patient to get desired results. In September get ready for one circle to complete and next to start. So if you have something stuck for long, now is when you will reach the completion. Good time to travel abroad.
You want to just enjoy what you earned, you want to be a little selfish, pamper yourself keeping it all just for yourself. Nothing wrong in it but sharing is caring. November finds you really obsessing about anything and everything. You are not at peace nor letting anybody else be tying and being tied down with negativity. Unless there is a profitable result that you see coming out of your obsession, just let it be. December seems to be more stable and settled month, good time for investments and taking risks.

Pisces 2013
You are starting the year feeling so low, left out, alone. The good news is this is a very good year for you and this is the only month where you feel so. You need some time alone no problem its only going to remind you of what you have learnt from the experiences in life and help you in future. February sees you in a very secured, pleasant surroundings, meeting old friends, taking care of little angels in your life, feeling loved. Get ready for marriage in March, you will find your soul mate, for business also this is the time for making partnerships.
Lot of things happening, expect good news from all directions and you will find yourself in midst of it all. But it is a good month and so is May, profitable to make investments at this time. Your enterprising nature will help you get more success. In June you are pretty stable a little more than required though. Quite austere and disciplined, very organised.
If you feel you are not seeing any results you don't have to worry, know that it is coming maybe slow but changes are happening for better. You may join a health club and getting your life in a healthy routine. August this is your time, this is where you do what you have to and get results exactly as you asked for. Your charm and style will work for you as much as the work and your hopes. In September you need to be a little careful, everything may not be as it seems. You may think it is an easy path to success but you could encounter difficulties more than you thought. Those trying to be helpful may not actually be helping.
You want not move and try something else, and it is not without planning, you have given it a thought and know your way. Travel possible. Some people could have control issues in their lives if they keep getting their egos in between. The urge to take charge is very strong. November, you seem to be calmer and know that what firm but gentle approach can achieve anger and ego cannot. As the last month of the year comes, you get more involved in your family, enjoying the company of your loved ones, your children your parents, brothers and sisters.

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